
Exporting GoodLinks Highlights to Craft

I’ve been exploring Craft more, now that I took advantage of their 50% off for life promotion. It’s been fun discovering all the new features since I last used it, as well as how I can integrate apps like Things and GoodLinks, which I have been using more often. My most recent discovery has been exporting highlights in GoodLinks to a new Craft document. I think I have a pretty good setup, so it’s time to share!

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New Reeder!

The new version of Reeder is out and it is glorious. Reeder is by far the most used app on my phone. It’s been my go to RSS feed reeder since 2011 and I’m pretty sure it was one of the first apps I bought for my iPhone, after switching from Android that year. Like most app addicts, I’ve tried a LOT of RSS readers and services over the years, but I always came back to Reeder as my app of choice.

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Attempting to port the Hugo theme Congo for Stay tuned!

Was thinking through a web app idea, then realized it was pretty darn close to FriendFeed (which i loved) and upon doing more reminiscing, realized isn’t too far from FF. Just need the ability to subscribe to RSS feeds and other services beyond Mastodon.

My Hain’s Point theme is almost ready! I just need to figure out why the Photos page isn’t working and finish up adding all of the settings to the Plugin setup. You’ll be able to customize the logo, a couple blurbs, newsletter name, and a few other things. Soon!

Apple Music users: get yourself a account and a sweet iOS music app like Marvis or Soor to track your listening next year and you too can have reports galore.