Exporting GoodLinks Highlights to Craft
I’ve been exploring Craft more, now that I took advantage of their 50% off for life promotion. It’s been fun discovering all the new features since I last used it, as well as how I can integrate apps like Things and GoodLinks, which I have been using more often.
My most recent discovery has been exporting highlights in GoodLinks to a new Craft document. I think I have a pretty good setup, so it’s time to share!
First off, you will need to edit the GoodLinks export template (Settings > Highlight > Edit Export Format). I ended up with this template, but feel free to customize however you like:
Tags: {{#tags}}{{name}}{{^is_last}}, {{/is_last}}{{/tags}}
Author: {{author}}
{{content_md | blockquote}}
You will also want to make sure “Include highlights in Markdown” is checked on this setting page as well.
Then you should install my shortcut.
There are two import questions when you install the Shortcut:
- First to choose the space for the new note
- Then an optional Folder selection. I skip that one, as they by default go to Unsorted, which I treat as an Inbox.
The best place to run this workflow is on iOS because the GoodLinks iOS app has a custom action you can create for this shortcut. To set that up, go to Settings > Custom Actions and click the icon in the upper right hand corner to ‘Add Action’.
On that screen, enter a name, choose an icon and a color. For the URL field use:

Then, once you are on an article in GoodLinks and have made some highlights, access the more menu and you should see your custom action up top:

Click that and the end result should be something like this in Craft:

Hope someone finds this useful!