My favorite records from last Friday, over on Crucial Tracks:…

Year number 3 of my song-a-day playlist is in the books! Find 2024 here and the brand new 2025 version here. Apple Music only, sorry.

Taking the People Pledge

Adam Newbold, the purveyor of Neatnik/ and many other sites, just launched The People Pledge:

I pledge to recognize the dignity and worth of all people.

I will not discriminate against or devalue anyone because of their age, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, social class, faith, neurotype, or physical appearance.

I commit to treating others fairly and rejecting prejudice in all its forms.

A pretty simple idea and one you’d think would be closer to the default in 2024, but apparently that isn’t the case for a significant portion of the United States, at least.

Everyone deserves the dignity of humanity. To love and be loved. The grace to live their life free of hatred, bigotry, threats, or violence. You may not understand every human, their choices or their defaults, but that is OK… because in most cases it isn’t FOR you. I think we’d do better as a society, if we just realized we don’t have to live everyone else’s life too.

What is consistent across all of humanity, though, is EVERYONE is battling something. Some problem, big or small, and many times, it’s multiple problems at once. A little grace, empathy, and love can go a long way.

I’m not perfect, so this pledge is my commitment to do better every day.

Join us.

Uhhh, looks like the NYT is continuing its streak of stellar coverage. I am sure there are many people and stacks of government subsidies that would like a word with “single-handedly.”

Gonna be a long 4 years.

My 2023 song-a-day playlist on Apple Music!…

Wrote a little summary of my takeaways from reading Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman:…

I’ve got my “Best of 2022” album list up on Album Whale! 🎧

My oldest friend Chris, aka Itinerant Printer, is having a massive sale on his amazing letterpress prints. Do check them out - I just grabbed three.