Crucial Tracks

There are points in your life that are defined by music. Whether it’s a song that introduced you to a genre of music that changed the direction of your tastes and style, or a lyric that made you think about the world in a different way. Songs represent relationships. Songs trigger memories. These are all crucial tracks.

Crucial Tracks will dig into those songs through interviews with people of all walks of life. Learn about the music that made them who they are today and then listen along to playlists published on Spotify and Apple Music.

Eko Wave

Eko Wave specializes in providing value to niche consumers through well-thought-out applications — using design and data to help them make better purchase decisions.

Since we’re geeks at heart, we chose to focus on niche markets and the most passionate people on the internet. We love anyone who completely dedicates their life to their interests.


Craft Shortcuts